Thursday 26 January 2012

The Village Shop

I hear on the grapevine that we need to be worried again about the future of the village shop.

We absolutely need to do whatever we can to support the shop and put our trade its way.

I know Claire Spooner is getting a group together to look at just what we can do. Watch this space.

Thursday 30 October 2008

Welcome to Botolph's Blog

Welcome to the Botolph's Barn blog -an informal chat room where we can all have our say about what is happening in Helpston and keep each other up-to-date with ideas and thoughts about what is going on!

If you have any thoughts or even questions about what is going on in Helpston then why not post them here and see if any one else shares your views or can answer your questions.

For instance has anyone seen the Council's consultation on the sites it will consider for housing land over the next few years. There are two main sites listed in Helpston, to the south of Glinton Road, coming out opposite the Bluebell and to the north of Glinton Road, coming out on Maxey Road. Both involve the extension of the village envelope. There is a third site on the west side of Maxey Road, just before the level crossing. Have we all submitted our views to the Council on this?

And what is happening about Bonfire Night this year? Well as far as I know there is no village event planned. Shame.

Hope to hear from you all soon!
